Tax Advice
Our goal is perfect tax planning and tax optimisation for sole traders, freelancers, traders, private companies and corporations alike. One key factor is the tax return. We know which issues are critical and are in regular contact with the tax authorities. However, tax returns are only the first step in forward-looking tax planning and optimisation strategies.
Tax Structuring
Tax legislation is constantly changing, making it all the more important to have a partner who is familiar with all the latest changes and who is able to respond quickly and proactively. Our goal is active tax planning that creates scope for action and planning for you and your business. Active planning is the only way of reducing the tax burden in the long-term and is the key to corporate success. We present the various options and potential for optimisation and review all measures to ensure that they will be accepted by the tax authorities.
- Preparing tax returns for companies and private individuals
- Tax advice for companies and private individuals
- Tax planning and tax structuring for:
- Change in shareholdings
- Company succession
- Inheritance and donation
- Company transformation
- Asset planning
- Advice on indirect taxes and related interface areas:
- National and international value added tax (VAT)
- Customs law, excise duties including electricity and energy taxes
- Tax compliance management systems
- Specialised topics such as restructuring / M&A, insolvency law, real estate transactions
DATEV Unternehmen online
Are you keen to modernise communication in your bookkeeping and payroll accounting departments? Do you need fast access to payroll analyses or human resources documents? Are you tired of important analyses getting lost in the flood of daily e-mail communications?
If so, you could benefit from digitalising your bookkeeping and payrolling accounting. The “DATEV Unternehmen Online” digital platform provides tailored advantages and support for bookkeeping and payroll accounting management. As future developments are set to be based on digitalised processes (e.g. euBP, ELStAM), digitalised bookkeeping can help bring your business up to date. All payroll details are protected by stringent security measures and archived for ten years in an auditable form in the DATEV-data processing centre. Find out how to simplify your company processes:
- Structured storage of analyses, bookkeeping documentation and payroll documents
- Access to data at any time, from anywhere and from any device
- Seamless communication with the firm thanks to convenient on-site data scanning
- Digital receipt of payroll and salary documentation for employees
- Corporate succession
- Inheritance and gifts
- Corporate restructuring
- Asset planning