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Menold Bezler advises City of Stuttgart on award of contract for Weissenhofsiedlung Visitor Centre

Press Information
Menold Bezler advises City of Stuttgart on award of contract for Weissenhofsiedlung Visitor Centre

Menold Bezler has advised the City of Stuttgart on the procurement procedure for the construction of the new Weissenhof Visitor and Information Centre (BIZ). The future-oriented project will be a central component of the International Building Exhibition 2027 (IBA'27) in Stuttgart. The procedure covered the entire planning and construction contract.

The spatial concept for the BIZ provides for around 1,300 square metres of floor space, including exhibition rooms, a shop, restaurants and offices. The aim is to achieve a Plus energy standard for the timber and loam construction of the building, which will cover the heating and hot water requirements in a climate-neutral way. Demolition of the existing building is expected to be completed by early 2025, with construction starting in mid-2025. The BIZ is expected to be operational by the end of December 2026 at the latest.

The contract was awarded following a Europe-wide negotiated procedure with competitive tendering. The contract was awarded to Zech Hochbau AG, while the planning was carried out by Barkow Leibinger Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH. The outstanding architectural and urban design quality and the sustainable energy concept were convincing factors.

With its consistent focus on sustainability and energy efficiency, the BIZ - like the Weissenhofsiedlung at the time - will be a model project for sustainable construction. Menold Bezler advised the City of Stuttgart on the design and implementation of the entire tender process.
