Leading business law firms launch innovation network on digital value creation

The law firms Ebner Stolz, LUTZ | ABEL, Menold Bezler and Thümmel Schütze will enter into a collaboration as strategic partners in the Legal Automation & innovation (Legal Ai) Network on January 1, 2023. The aim is to systematically identify the future needs of clients via an open innovation process against the backdrop of digitalization, to test initial prototypes and to develop or find market-oriented approaches to solutions (legal tech).
The network is coordinated by the Stuttgart-based innovation facilitator and technology developer OMM Solutions GmbH. The Legal Ai Network will start with three central formats, which will be further developed and supplemented by new formats in the further course of the network.
Together with heads of legal departments, their current problems in the context of digitization will be worked out and evaluated using suitable methods in the "Legal Problem Camp".
In the already established "Legal Innovation Challenge" (https://legal.inno-challenge.eu/), interdisciplinary teams of students from universities (law, business, computer science) develop digital prototypes over two days using an agile process model and pitch them to a jury. Employees from legal departments are also part of the teams and participate as jurors or coaches.
During the "Legal Solution Camp", the network partners evaluate existing technologies and legal products based on them. Through a transparent comparison of different approaches, new ideas for the development of client-centric solutions are created.
The efficient and targeted involvement of various players from law, business, technology and science enables intensive collaboration and a better understanding of the legal advice of the future.