The business community needs reliable information to make good decisions. The plausibility of corporate performance figures governs the relationship between the business and shareholders, creditors and stockholders. This information provides the basis for strategic decision-making. We perform annual and consolidated audits in a targeted and efficient manner by implementing mandatory and voluntary special audits and helping to resolve complex accounting issues. Furthermore, our team of specialists can provide professional support in evaluating businesses. In this context, we provide several services in our capacity as a neutral expert, consultant and intermediary.
Annual and Consolidated Financial Statements
Our auditing work centres around reviewing annual and consolidated financial statements – both for private companies and stock corporations. Our auditing work encompasses mandatory audits to provide information for shareholders and external creditors as well as for the Federal Gazette. However, our longstanding experience means we are also perfectly placed to perform mandatory and voluntary special audits.
- Performance and review of annual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with German and international accounting provisions (HGB, IFRS, US-GAAP)
- Carrying out special audits (e.g. contract review under stock corporation laws, audits pursuant to Section 53 German Law on Budgetary Principles (Haushaltsgrundsätzegesetz, HGrG), review of statements of losses under continuation agreements concluded in the course of insolvency administration, IT-compliance audits)
Complex Accounting Issues
While many large companies have their own tax and legal departments, this often isn’t feasible for small and medium-sized enterprises. However, SMEs are also subject to increasingly stringent accounting requirements. Be it the implementation of new accounting requirements, or how to depict complicated transactions and circumstances: We provide solutions as to how to depict complex accounting issues in the annual financial statement.
- Evaluating the consequences of planned transactions for the balance sheet, as well as for the statement of profits and losses
- Documenting correct accounting for auditors/supervisory committee
- Assessing effects on the balance sheet in the course of discussions with external investors (banks)
- Depicting complex circumstances in the Appendix pursuant to the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB) / German Accounting Standards, (Deutsche Rechnungslegungsstandards, DRS) or IFRS
- Preparing expert reports and opinions
In viewing ourselves as the personal sparring partners of our clients, having performed a final audit, we are familiar with the specific success factors and risks, as well as the relevant corporate figures. This allows us to filter out areas where there is scope for improvement and provide clear recommendations – recommendations based on the bundled expert knowledge of our interdisciplinary firm. We provide targeted, individualised advice and aren’t afraid to tackle critical subjects directly and at an early stage – all as part of our ongoing dialogue. This is the only way of averting potential problems before they arise.
- Performing internal revision, including preparation of outsourcing concepts
- Developing outsourcing concepts
- Advice on corporate finance: enterprise valuations, corporate financing, purchase price review, mergers & acquisitions, advice on contractual terms